Press Release Summary: PDA investigation software examines your pocket pc device and generates report
Press Release Body: Investigating computer data is a serious task that requires serious tools and experience in this technical field. A typical hard disk will contain many thousands of files, efficient filtering methodology is necessary to manage the investigation. Our pocket pc or PDA forensic investigation application capable to handle all technique which is use to extract all data from hard disk of pocket pc. Application do searching of text for forensic investigation like names, address, phone numbers, SIM card battery status, IMSI number, SMS status etc that can be vital intelligence or evidence. Finding this information swiftly, in a format that is easily understood is crucial. In computer investigator does not have time to waste so that software used must be flexible, powerful and fast. Software come with some advance features like powerful file filtering and search functionality. These customizable filters allow you to sort through thousands of files to quickly. PC Analyzer application also give you information on whether or not of windows based mobile PC has able supports over 40 different things including how many display modes to TNL and texturing, and after it give you a score to compare with another device and find which mobile devices is better. Special feature: * Software also provides system information like OS, drive, memory, and socket data. * Pocket PDA System analyzer software provides computer configuration information. * Able to analysis system memory and give us information about physical and virtual memory. * Capable to provides local information such as country, time zone, local language, time, date, currency etc. * Support all types of Microsoft windows based operating system like win98, 2000, ME, XP and all version of vista.